Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 13:25:52 -0600
Subject: Re: Wash. Post article on DARE
Yesterday's article about DARE in the _Washington Post_ was a
greatly shortened and very badly cut version of the one that
appeared in January in the _Chicago Tribune_. While the
_Tribune_ version also focused on our desperate need for funds,
it gave a good overall picture of the project, the published
volumes, and the importance of doing the job right. That article
(and an earlier one by Horowitz) tried to do much of what Greg
Downing suggests we do, namely "identify [ourself] with the
country and the culture, thus generating a sense among the
educated public that the thing should and must somehow be
completed, and not to do so would be a collective shame." The
_Washington Post_ version ignored the discussion of the intrinsic
interest and worth of the project. (I'd be happy to send a copy
of the _Chicago Trib_ piece to anyone who would like it.)
Greg asks, "Is it [=DARE's financial situation] that bad?" In a
word, YES. As of July 1, we had to cut 3 1/2 positions in order
to keep the rest of the staff on the payroll through June of
1998. That leaves us with a staff of 13 people (editors,
keyboarder, proofreaders, office manager), for a total of 9.75
F[ull] T[ime] E[quivqlent] paid positions (Fred Cassidy has not
taken a salary from the project for a couple of decades). The
most recent issue of _OED News_ provides an interesting
comparison: "Today the _OED_ has a team of 42 editors working on
different aspects of the text, as well as some 50 research
assistants, keyboarders, proofreaders, etc., and a further 200 or
so specialist consultants from whom advice may be obtained about
any aspect of the language."
_OED News_ also says that the timescale for their latest revision
has been extended from 2005 to 2010, and their budget has been
increased from 20 million pounds to 34 million pounds.
By contrast, DARE's staff cuts mean that our annual expenditures
have been reduced from $600,000 to $450,000. (Our budget has
been pared to salaries, fringes, and essential supplies; there is
no money for conferences, travel, computer training, or any
amenities.) Since a good part of our support comes from NEH, and
the UW's indirect cost rate for all federal agencies is 44%, the
effect is that almost 31% of all federal dollars must go to the
University. So we have to raise significantly more than $450,000
annually in order to pay out that amount. The result is that
too much of my time is spent writing to foundations,
corporations, and individuals asking for financial support.
We've had a number of $10,000 to $20,000 grants in the last six
months, and they are greatly appreciated (they extend our life
through about December of 1998). But they don't solve the
problem and they don't allow me to do my "real" work. And the
more staff we have to cut, the longer it will take to finish each
Without a Queen Victoria to whom to dedicate DARE, we continue to
publicize the project as we can (thwarted by bad newspaper
editing along the way), appeal to anyone who might have a remote
interest in helping us survive, and plug on as well as possible.
I realize that our repeated cries for assistance may make it seem
as if we are crying wolf. The truth is that every reprieve has
been a temporary one and our need for support is genuine. If some
of you have ideas of other ways to attract donors, I'd be
delighted to hear about them. The sooner we can find adequate
support, the sooner we'll be able to get the job done.
Thanks for listening.