Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 21:33:37 -0400

From: "Jeutonne P. Brewer" jpbrewer[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]HAMLET.UNCG.EDU

Subject: Re: Queries: _Am. Tongues_ & Slang

I think Connie Eble at U of NC at Chapel Hill would definitely be

a good contact. I used her book, Slang and Sociability, in my

introduction class last year; my students really liked her book.

I'm teaching the course with her book again this semester. When I

took a brief survey in class this week, I was surprised by the

number of students who listed slang as their area of interest about

language. (Connie probably could have told me this, if I had asked

her.) I assume that the student grapevine has spread the word about

the fact that slang is included in the course now.

We're also thinking of having 50-75 first-year students produce a

dictionary of Georgetown slang. I'd be grateful for information on good

recent college slang dictionary projects besides UCLA's _Slang 3_ and -

for how-to tips - the opportunity to correspond with anyone who's recently

done a similar project with undergraduates.

Jeutonne Brewer


Jeutonne P. Brewer, Associate Professor

Department of English

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Greensboro, NC 27412

email: jpbrewer[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

