Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 19:15:19 -0500 From: Natalie Maynor Subject: Re: Of Cats and Eye Dialect > > Re eye dialect: I do consider spellings like "whut" and "wuz" eye dialect, > > even though they're artificial in that the spelling doesn't really represent > > (to me) a different pronunciation. > > To me, that's a definition of eye dialect, and I think thats what it is Now I understand what you were talking about when you said you had sent this before reading my p.s. I got your second posting before this one, for some reason. That is also the definition of eye dialect to me. I should have said "because" instead of "even though." I keep telling myself that one of these days I should start reading things I've written before sending them. But I bet I won't... That would take away part of the fun of e-life. On the question raised by somebody else (Don Lance, I think -- I've been out of town all day and raced through e-mail when I got home) about whether "whut" is really eye dialect for people with h-less "what," I say yes. Keeping part of the standard spelling doesn't prevent it from being eye dialect, IMHO. Moving too far away from the standard spelling makes reading too difficult -- especially for those of us who say and hear a clear /hw/. I think I might have mentioned on the list before that I stood and stared at a handwritten sign on a shop window in Memphis one time, trying to figure out what it was saying because the letter Y was supposed to represent the word "Why" (I figured out finally). To me, Y does not sound at all like "why." --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]