Date: Tue, 8 Aug 1995 06:52:04 -0500 From: jeffrey howard allen Subject: Re: Counting those e-mails I tend to use "e-mail" in an adjectival way by saying "e-mail messages" but have often heard people say "e-mails" here at work. JEFF ---------------------------------------- On Mon, 7 Aug 1995, Larry Horn wrote: > ADS-ers may be interested in participating in, or at least hearing about, an > ongoing collection of submissions to the New York Times on the topic: > Is "an E-mail" acceptable usage? > --as in "I'll send you an E-mail". > The context of the article on the topic in today's Times (p. D4) makes it > clear that (i) they're not interested in capitalization or hyphenization as > parameters of variation, and (ii) they really do want electronic mail users to > contribute their intuitions on whether they would use 'e-mail' as a count > noun, although that terminology appears to be too technical for the Times > staffers. Myself, I feel a bit mixed, since my stomach turns at the > prescriptivist bias on the part of some of the quoted respondents (or of the > tone of the article, whose text begins "Hip lingo, or corruption of the > mother tongue--as if the two options were mutually exhaustive). At the > same time, I really don't use 'e-mail' as a count noun. Do y'all? > > Larry >