Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 17:20:06 -0400 From: "Bethany Dumas, UTK" Subject: Re: imply/infer I have no experience of "inference" for "implication." But I have a great story about imply/infer. One of the most amusing experiences I have had on the witness stand as an expert witness occurred in Anderson Co. in Judge "Buddy" Scott's courtroom. I was being qualified by the plaintiff; after four or five questions, Judge Scott said to the attorney, "Don't ask her any more questions; if she teaches English at the University of Tennessee, she can testify in my courtroom." Shortly, the attorney asked me a question in which he misused either "imply" or "infer" as of course many people do. The judge stopped him, corrected him, then gave a mini-lecture on the distinction between "imply" and "infer." After he finished, he looked at me and said, "That's right, isn't it?" I flashed an "OK" and knew that I would enjoy the rest of my time on the witness stand (and I did). Bethany Dumas