Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 16:51:37 GMT+1000 From: David Blair Subject: Research position vacant The Australian National Place Names Project has a 2-year research position available, suitable for a post-doctoral student with experience in toponymy and dialect research. The aim of the National Place Names Project is to construct a comprehensive database of an estimated 4 million Australian place names, compiled on a linguistic, etymological and historical basis. The appointee will develop the methodologies, the procedures and the regional structures that are necessary for the Project to succeed. I won't take up further bandwidth with details; anyone who is interested could e-mail me direct, and I can send the information package. Closing date for applications is 1 September. David Blair Head of School English, Linguistics & Media MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY NSW 2109 AUSTRALIA Phone: 02 9850 8736 Fax: 02 9850 6900