Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 12:30:44 -0700 From: "A. Maberry" Subject: Re: More on Monty On Mon, 18 Aug 1997, barbara harris wrote: > > As further evidence of this sort of usage, a few years ago some of the more > sophisticated (in their opinion) Members of the (British Columbia) Legislative > Assembly criticized their fellow MLAs who came from more remote areas of the > province for wearing a form of summer apparel they call "full Nanaimos" -- > Nanaimo being a city on Vancouver Island a two-hour drive north of Victoria > (the capital). "Full Nanaimos" consisted of light-coloured trousers, a bright > shirt (usually patterned), and, the trademark items, white buck shoes and a > wide white belt. > > Are there any other examples of "[the] full _______" used this way? > I believe I have heard the term "the full Cleveland" used to describe a leisure suit, usually in a bright color, with a bright patterned shirt wide white belt and white shoes. I'm not sure if the heavy gold neck chains are required or not. Allen maberry[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]