Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1993 13:04:04 -0700
Subject: Re: name that decade
(Message continued):
DARE or one of the major dictionaries may have dated files on when
the 30s, 40s, and 50s began seriously being referred to as such. When I was
growing up, it was commonplace to hear of "the Roaring Twenties", to the extent
they they took on an almost mythical dimension, perhaps the way ex-hippies
remember the 60s, but the (always Roaring) Twenties were followed by "the
(Great) Depression" and "the Depression years", the "the Thirties", and then
in turn by "the War" and "the war years", which were followed by "the post-war
I remember being belatedly shocked into the sensibility that "the
Fifties" had even been a characterizable decade only after constant references
to "the 60s" began to arise, and only much later to find nostalgic references
to movies and radion programs "back in the 40s". So while scattered uses of
decade numbers for the 30s, 40s, and 50s may come earlier, the wider popular
use I would think is more recent, a product, like many things, of "the 60s".
They, an dthe (Roaring) Twenties, are likely to be the only decades remembered
as such in this century.
--Rudy Troike