Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 21:36:47 -0800
From: Birrell Walsh birrell[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]WELL.SF.CA.US
Subject: Re: dryland fish
On Thu, 1 Dec 1994, Larry Horn wrote:
Besides mountain/prairie oysters, there's also Albany sturgeon (dried beef),
Block Island turkey (salted codfish), and the ever-popular Welsh rabbit. And
no doubt others involving the same logic (as dryland fish). One of my
favorites, though it may be seen as a bit of an ethnoslur (and we don't want
to rekindle THAT thread, do we?) is "Irish tan", which according to one of my
students, = 'sunburn'. So it's not just for luncheon treats anymore...
In San Francisco at Eighth and Bryant Streets, a large green turkey
revolves over the door of a corned beef maker. The origin? A century
ago beef was cheap and turkey expensive. The immigrant Irish could not
afford anything expensive, so corned beef was "Irish Turkey". The only
trace is that the place in question is "Robert's Turkey Brand Corned Beef."