Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 15:19:59 EST
Subject: Brigidy
Growing up, I occasionally heard the word BRIGIDY. The context was always in
reference to women. For example:
A mother to young daughter misbehaving, "You're brigidy."
Over heard about my sister-in-law who is slim and trim at sixty years old,
wearing blue jeans and riding a horse. "She always was brigidy."
Finally, beleive it or not, "She has brigidy bumps." ??
I grew up in the Miami Valley in Ohio and twice moved to Franklin County in
Indiana just forty-five minutes from Ohio. Other than hearing brigidy
spoken by my mother, who is from Berea, Kentucky, all the other instances that
I have heard brigidy spoken have been in Eastern Kentucky where I presently
live. Has anyone heard brigidy? If so, from where and in what context?
Geraldine Carter
Morehead State University
Morehead, Kentucky