Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 09:51:20 -0600
From: "Timothy C. Frazer" mftcf[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UXA.ECN.BGU.EDU
Subject: Re: Da Bears
On Tue, 13 Dec 1994, Katherine Catmull wrote:
I may be misunderstanding what you're saying here, but there are parts of
Chicago where "the" (or "dah") takes a much flatter sound than you'd get
in, say, Duh Bronx. I think the Saturday Night Live people got it right,
and "dah" would be the best spelling.
Kate Catmull kate[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
That;s an interesting bit of news. I haven't lived in Chicago much so
didn't get to hear it. Thanks.
By "flatter" sound did you mean like with the tongue raised and tensed,
like toward barred [I]? I would describe the low central [a] as "open"
rather than flat.