Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 22:25:20 -0600
Subject: LSA, NWAV, MLA, etc.
I want to add one more voice in support of Dennis Preston's arguments
for holding ADS meetings with LSA. Like Peter Patrick, I have never
attended MLA and have no attention of doing so. I do attend NWAV
regularly and find it the most important conference of the year. I agree
that the generally loose structure of NWAV, however, does not seem to
have a place for ADS to run its own program. Many of the ADS members
participating in NWAV are already on the regular program in any case.
That leaves LSA, which offers far more on the program than MLA is ever
likely to have, especially since the Society for Pidgin and Creole
Linguistics meets regularly with LSA.
As to Bill's suggestion that ADS hold its own meeting separate from
either MLA or LSA -- one more meeting is too much to handle in these
days of very reduced travel budgets.
-Bob Bayley
Division of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies
University of Texas at San Antonio
San Antonio, TX 78249-0653
email: rbayley[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]