Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 08:38:54 -0500
From: "Dennis R. Preston" preston[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PILOT.MSU.EDU
Subject: Re: /w/ and /hw/
Of course. We just forgot our HistEng info. While we are on this, would
somebody who has the HistEng stuff at their fingertips explain why there
are both [u] and [o] pronunciations of 'whore' in ModAmerEng? Bill's note
below explains why 'whore' is not [wo:r] or [hwo:r], but why did the Great
Vowel Shift apparently shift twice for some speakers. (In the US, I have
heard [hu:r] only in Northern and NorthEastern varieties.)
Dennis Preston
Why isn't "who" pronounced [wu:] or [hwu:]? Because a Middle Endlish to
Modern English change deleted [w] between a consonant and a back vowel, for
example, "two" is [tu:] and "sword" is [sord]. Without analogical leveling,
the past tense of "swear" would be "sore".
Bill Smith
Piedmont College