Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 18:26:18 -0500
From: "Dennis R. Preston" preston[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PILOT.MSU.EDU
Subject: Re: /w/ and /hw/
Of course you are right. Perhaps some of us slipped into saying 'derived
from' when we meant 'cognate with.'
Now we know the source of the 'wh'; a very late analogy, but I'm still not
sure about the vowel. I take your citation to be of 'hore' with a long
vowel(?) If so, it should be ModEng [u] as I have heard it in Northern
American use. Why is the majority usage [o]?
If English whore derives from Latin karus , it must be as a loan-
word, much too late for Grimm's Law. So then it should be *core , which it
ain't. So much for armchair etymologizing. In such questions, my sainted
OE professor, Rudolph Willard, used to repair to the OED, which informs us
that OE had hore (possibly derived from ON), and that the wh spelling is
a 16-th century refinement (I would guess on the model of whole ). But any
connection with a Latin /k/ would have to be at a pre-Latin level, not a
direct borrowing.
--Rudy Troike (back in the fray again!)