Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 09:35:48 -0500

From: "Dennis R. Preston" preston[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PILOT.MSU.EDU

Subject: Re: -head

While we are on Wisconsin (sorry about the -son spellings), have other

forced residents of the state noticed a funny syllable division there? My

divisions are very clearly 'wis-con-sin,' but I could swear to the fact

that nearly every Wisconsinite (there, Larry!) I've met divides it as

'wi-scon-sin.' The phonological motivation for this seems weak, but I

wonder if there is not some generalization lurking under it.

Dennis (not so clearly a nonPackerbacker) Preston

preston[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]pilot,

Dennis, obviously no great Packer-backer himself, writes,

I saw the Green Bay Packers play today and heard their fans, them, and

Wisconsonites (Wisconsonians?) in general referred to as 'cheeseheads.'

One of the fans in the stands had a hat shaped like a big wedge of cheese

(apparently a Swiss).

Green Bay Packer fans have been proudly wearing those

cheeseheads (yes, it refers to the large yellow object itself as well to the

wearers, and may well encompass all Wisconsinites--not Wisconsonians or

Wisconsonites--but I think the team itself is not known by that moniker) for

some years now, but it was only last week when the cheesehead performed its

first life-saving mission. A fan was returning home from the game in a

private plane which began losing power, and he propped his cheesehead between

himself and whichever hard object he was to encounter on his speedy way down.

I forget the details, but he swears he'll never leave home without one now.

Larry (wondering if that was really how they invented head cheese)