Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 13:14:29 EST
Subject: On Wisconsin!
Ohio University Electronic Communication
Date: 04-Dec-1995 01:14pm EST
To: Remote Addressee ( _mx%"ads-l[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]" )
From: Beverly Flanigan Dept: Linguistics
Subject: On Wisconsin!
As a Minnesotan, and a (lapsed) Lutheran at that, I've always said
"wi-scon-sin," as do my Wisconsin relatives and two recent graduate
students from that state. Hence my surprise (on the NP only) when an
interviewee in "American Tongues" said that "people from Wis-con-sin
all sound like Norwegians." But, unlike Beth, I never heard an open
'o' in the middle syllable (only [kan]), even though I and my
generation of Minnesotans still distinguish between 'ah' and 'aw'.
BTW, since the name is from an American Indian language, perhaps
someone knows whether the original had an initial consonant cluster in
the second syllable or, as Larry Horn suggests, the [s] has shifted to
the stressed syllable.
On my way to checking out the state name in my (old) Webster's New
World (which divides the syllables between 's' and 'c'), I came across
"whore," which is etymologized as "ME & AS 'hore'; ON 'hora'; for
the wh- sp., cf. 'whole'; akin to G. 'hure'; IE base *qa-, to like, be
fond of, desire, seen also in L. 'carus,' dear...orig. prob. a
euphemism" -- all of which would seem to support Rudy Troike's
pre-Latin hypothesis with spelling analogy.
Received: 04-Dec-1995 01:14pm