Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 21:14:21 -0600
From: Charles F Juengling juen0001[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]GOLD.TC.UMN.EDU
Subject: Re: On Wisconsin!
Like, Peter, I am also a west-coaster who has been in the Midwest (Still
there). I was very surprised the first time I heard Wi-skan-s[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]n, not
really believing my ears that the syllables could be divided in that
fashion. But this division is alive and well in the Upper Midwest.
Also, the vowel in the 2nd syllable, as Peter stated, is fronted and
FWIW, My wife's name is Holly and she complains that Minnesotans call her
[haeli]. A bit of an exageration, but not too far off. This fronted,
nasalised pronunciation seems to be age graded (with younger people
seeming to have the more fronted/nasalised version) and, I believe,
urban, altho I have not made enough tapes (I did a small study of this
feature in the summer of '94) of ruralites to make any conclusive statement.
Fritz Juengling