Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 14:06:49 -0600
From: Charles F Juengling juen0001[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]GOLD.TC.UMN.EDU
Subject: Re: [fle:g]
On Wed, 6 Dec 1995, Timothy C. Frazer wrote:
Hm. I grew up in NW Illinois and we always pledged to the [fle:g].
I never thot of that as regional. Fritz, is [flaeg] normal for you?
Yes. I have talked with many non-MNsotans about this and it seems to be
one of the first things they notice about MN speech (it seems to stand
out even more than the famous MN /o:/!). Of course, I haven't done any
study on this, but just casual conversations.
Tim Frazer