End of ADS-L Digest - 5 Dec 1995 to 6 Dec 1995
There are 44 messages totalling 1414 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. pop and soda
2. NEW COKE (2)
3. Language and Intelligence (7)
4. root beer preferences
5. Time clock (5)
6. name's the same (4)
7. [fle:g] (6)
8. Vocabulary & IQ (2)
9. linguistic thinking
10. receipt -Reply
11. Re[2]: name's the same
12. Perspective...(?) (3)
13. can/can't (3)
14. Labov (fwd) (4)
15. vowel laxing
16. sneakers -Reply
17. Pepsi Jingle