Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 08:25:34 -0500
From: "Dennis R. Preston" preston[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PILOT.MSU.EDU
Subject: Re: Language and Intelligence
An interesting confusion of speech and language. Maybe among people with
the required linguistic output conditions of Hawking, he is a good
'speaker' (as we more easily recognize talented 'speakers' [actors,
singers, etc...] of ASL).
Just reminding you of modes and channels.
Dennis Preston
I think that people who have no ability to speak might be considered dumb.
I am also struck by the fact that Stephen Hawking would be a rather bad
orator but he is in fact one of the most intelligent people of the 20th
century. So does his limited faciltiy limit his spirit or intelligence? Why
even ask - that question is what limits.