Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 22:56:31 -0700
Subject: American Indian languages and thought
I'm not sure what is meant by the statement that speakers of (some)
American Indian languages don't use entification in their communication.
There is a difference between "world view" and the grammar of a language
one talks about it in. Relationship is of prime importance to Koreans, for
example, and the hierarchical social structure is encoded in the grammar in
a way that is untranslatable in English, but one can use the same kind of
GB tree-diagrams for Korean as for Turkish or English. The same diagrams
and UG principles-and-parameters work as well for many American Indian
languages, although I have heard it argued that they don't work well for
the Northern Caddoan languages (but have not looked closely to see whether
the claim can be disputed).
As anthropologists have long argued from the "culture area" concept,
even pre-dating it going back to Boas, the same language (or closely related
variants) can mediate radically different cultures, and world-views, and the
same culture/world-view can be mediated by totally different and differently
structured languages. Language structure can influence thinking so some
extent, and can facilitate or inhibit expression of certain things (that's
one reason there are different computer languages), but English, like other
languages, basically deals with relationships, too. That's why the kind
of grammatical analysis that Fillmore introduced (Case Grammar) and Chafe's
variation on it, remain so useful and revealing of cross-language uniformities.
Adopting that more abstract model (further evolved by Chomsky in not always
helpful ways) enables us to see beyond the apparent great differences of
surface grammatical differences. There are real differences regarding the
aspects of events that languages can express, or how they can express them,
as Chinese, for example, has no tense, but only aspect. Even German, as
closely related to English as it is, does not make the distinction we do
between present and present progressive "tense" (really aspect). But I would
want to see clear grammatical evidence that language X could express
relationships and language Y could not, or that language X could not
express entification whereas language Y obligatorily did so. From there it
would be necessary to provide empirical evidence that the structural
differences enhanced or precluded certain kinds of thought.
--Rudy Troike (rtroike[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]