Date: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 08:23:44 -0500
From: "Dennis R. Preston" preston[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PILOT.MSU.EDU
Subject: Re: pop and soda
Good shot Rudy! Your comment awakened in me the memory (but see below for
its possible sociolinguistic inaccuracy) that the geminate pronunciation
was the one that I used (in the 40's in Louisville) and the open syllable
form was the one I associated with older (and, sad to say) 'hickish'
speakers. In fact, the nongeminate pronunciation was one I (and
schoolmates) used (along with 'hep' for 'help,' 'a'-prefixing, etc...) as a
stereotypical imitation. This raises the spectre of the possibility of our
exaggerating our own pronunciation as a stereotype of the aways farther-off
'dialect' speakers. Perhaps the open syllable form exists ohnly there -- in
dialect 'performances.' (I think that is not the case here, but it is
always something to watch out for. Remember there are two great
sociolinguistic laws [unless you are after attitudes, not accuracy of
linguistic detail itself: Law #1: Never claim to know what you say. Law#2:
Never claim to know what anybody else says either. I guess if we all
followed these laws we'd have to shut this list down, huh?)
Before we go around the circle again on "Co-cola", any latecomers
might want to consult the ADS-L archives, where various communicants have
previously weighed in on the topic (was it about a year ago?).
Though my earlier reaction to the reported form was that I had not
heard it, I realized that, on consulting my inner speaker, that [pace the
claim that English lacks geminate consonants] I would informally say
/kowk.kowl[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]/, with the dot representing the syllable boundary. I wonder how
many of those represented ORTHOGRAPHICALLY with "co-cola" may actually
say/have said /kowk.kowl[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]/ rather than the indicated /kow.kowl[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]/?
--Rudy Troike (rtroike[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]