Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 13:08:18 -0600
From: "Kathleen M. O'Neill" koneil1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UIC.EDU
Subject: Re: Yas, youse, y'all
On Fri, 15 Dec 1995, Kathleen M. O'Neill wrote:
"Yas" does not have to be plural.
What evidence is there that YAS/YOUSE can be singular? What about YUNZ?
Unfortunately, as I mentioned in my
first posting on this subject, I don't
have the time to research this topic properly,
so I only really have anecdotal evidence.
But I can say with certainty that I have
heard this usage throughout my life, but only
on the south side of Chicago.
Sorry - I know that's not much help. But how
about this: anyone who's interested in hearing
a demonstration can come with me to a south side
bar when y'all (all y'all?) are in town. =^]
If you're not satisfied, aw, what the heck,
I'll demonstrate it for ya once I've had a few!
;Kathleen M. O'Neill ... Language Laboratory Technician I ;
;University of Illinois at Chicago ... Language Laboratory ;
;703 South Morgan Street (M/C 042) ... Grant Hall, Room 311 ;
;Chicago, IL 60607-7025 ;
;312.996.8838 or 8836 ... 312.996.5501 FAX ;