End of ADS-L Digest - 19 Dec 1995 to 20 Dec 1995
There are 26 messages totalling 724 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Merry Christmas vs Season's Greetings, etc. (2)
2. holiday greetings (3)
3. Happy Holidays -vs- Merry Christmas (3)
4. Setting Maximum Length
5. Deja vu
6. ADS annual meeting - substitute
7. WOTY from the Algeos (2)
8. WOTY from David Barnhart (4)
9. P.S. re the Long Message (4)
10. DARE availability
11. quack digger, quaigle
12. Discourse Analysis Conference Call for Papers
13. neuticals
14. Algeo/Barnhart WOTYs