Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 10:11:26 -0500
From: Allan Metcalf AAllan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: WOTY from David Barnhart
AS usual, ADS will choose Words of the Year at next week's annual meeting. We
expect to post the final nominees after they're chosen Thursday the 28th.
Meanwhile, here are the nominations from David Barnhart. Your comments are
welcome. - Allan Metcalf
barnied....wrecked Italian sandwich
browfield..............a vacant city lot literati
elves.....................kind of lightning
fuhrman, v. exhibit a kind of racial prejudice
gaydar..................ability to spot gay people
greenmail..............environmentally friendly mailing service
human capital.......educational achievements of a country's population
IPL.........................Internet public library
I-way....................Information Superhighway
jet..........................another new kind of lightning
jet outware, v. leave
laptop...................notebook or laptop computer
leaderless resistance ....... decentralized terrorism
militia....................any privately organized military force
nomination market.............. futures market in political bets
nonverbal conversation..... fisticuffs
pit: the pit.............protected area in a collapsed building
postal: go postal................. berserk
rolling stopper .....driver who coasts through a stop sign
Saffir-Simpson scale..........classification system for tropical storms
seeker service for proselytizing
sero-discordant..................having conflicting HIV test results
severation ..........dissociation of a person with his government aside
sprite...................yet another new kind of lightning
starter marriage.................first marriage
stepping.............. being in your face
street luge...........sled with wheels for riding on streets
tax, v. take
techno-intoxication...............fascination with and craving for electronic
they.....................singular gender-neutral pronoun
24-7.....................twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
Vanna White shrimp.............large shrimp for restaurant market
waymazing.........more than most amazing a gratuitous remark
There are a few more which have yet to be incorporated into the list.