Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 11:18:14 EST
Subject: Re: "Ich bin ein Berliner"
I like those, but I think "I am a Danish" is a bit of a stretch. "He was a
great Dane" si, "He was a Danish" no. But from the same area, "I am a Swede"
would presumably convey to a British--but not an American--hearer that you are
quite possibly a rutabaga (yellow turnip). How about "I am a Finn" (phono-
logically if not orthographically), or "I am a white Russian" (or a black
Russian, as the case may be). Or "She's not a bad Czech--but she just gave
birth to a bouncing (baby) Czech." OK, enough. I agree.
Re Luanne's pastries and pancakes:
I recall eating lots of "krapfens" in Paris in the early 1960's. You got
them warm on the streets (from the same vendors who sold crepes) with lots of
powdered sugar on them, but as I recall they were unfilled. Yum! Seemed like
an odd term to me, though. As for what you scrape a pan with, I use a spatula
(whether I'm using it to scrape or to turn). For me, spatula is defined by
structure, and applies to both metal and plastic varieties, but not to the ones
with the narrower rubber heads. Of course, I was one of those who grew up
thinking of "spatcheleh" as a Yiddish diminutive (cf. keppeleh, henteleh).