DARE has one 1827 "got up" reference; this is from September 1829, pg.
Since you have, at great expense, "got up" a Sporting Magazine....
And this "got by" is from April 1830, pg. 382:
There is a most preposterous and wretched affectation creeping into our
sporting tongue,* which has not even the merit of being good English. As
such a horse is "sired" such another; or he was "sired" by Eclipse; for _got
by_ Eclipse. (N.B. not _gotten_ by.) We shall read soon of colts and
fillies _dammed_ by such and such mares. The true style of the Turf is, He
was _got_ by Eclipse _out of_ Madcap. (The Irish say _on_ Madcap.)
*Let the barbarous innovations be confined to the Senate and the Bar, but let
us keep to our good old vernacular tongue. What should we say to "a _covey_
of wild geese and a _flock_ of partridges?"