Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 04:04:58 -0500
From: "Barry A. Popik" Bapopik[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: Sidewalk Santa
I don't know why OED doesn't have an entry for this!
The earliest "Sidewalk Santa" on a Worldcat search is from an album
called PEACE by the Rotary Connection (1968). "Sidewalk Santa" is the title
of a song.
I checked THE VOLUNTEER GAZETTE by the Volunteers of America. This is
from December 1962, pg. 2, col. 2:
Each year, New York City opens its heart--and purse strings--to the
Volunteers of America Sidewalk Santas who turn up on the metropolitan scene
on the day after Thanksgiving to begin the annual holiday fund drive that
provides aid for the city's needy. Our cover photo show a young Gothamite
welcoming the Sidewalk St. Nicks.
(same issue, pg. 11)
These are the famous bell-ringing Santa Clauses, sent out by the
Volunteers of America every year since the 1890s. (...) Sidewalk Santas come
from all professions.
I didn't find "Sidewalk Santa" in the previous volume, which contained
Dec. 1959, Dec. 1960, and Dec. 1961. I didn't check any earlier VOLUNTEER
GAZETTE volumes--it might be there. I did check "Santa Claus" in every
Reader's Guide, without finding an earlier cite.
A next step for these things is the Tamony Collection--why aren't they