Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 09:31:23 +0000
From: David Bergdahl bergdahl[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OAK.CATS.OHIOU.EDU
Subject: Re: "Ich bin ein Berliner"
Duane Campbell wrote:
At 12:37 PM 11/27/97 -0500, you wrote:
When time permits, I'll send along some other examples of gaffes in
communication. Two come to mind now. During his presidency, George Bush
visited Australia, and flashed the V (for Victory) sign when getting off
the plane. I remember the American newspapers explaining the next day
that in Australia that sign is an indecent gesture.
I wonder what the Aussies thought of Churchill.
Duane Campbell dcamp[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
It's not just limited to Aussies. The significant feature that makes
this iconic sign obscene is the side of the hand facing outwards; Field
Marshall Montgomery, I believe, once erred is giving a "Fuck Off" sign
where "Victory" would have been more appropriate. I *think* the obscene
version is with the inside of the hand [and knuckles] visible and
victory the back of the hand--but I could be wrong.
david.bergdahl[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Ohio University / Athens Ellis Hall 114c
tel: (740) 593-2783 [no office hrs during
fax: (740) 593-2818 break, only by appt]