More stuff and an earlier citation!
Newsweek of 27 December 1976, "Enter Krishna Kringle," pg. 26, has
"Sidewalk Santa Claus" and "Krishna Santa." These Santas called out, "Ho, ho,
ho, Hare Krishna!"
The New York Times Magazine, 2 December 1956, "Wanted: Santa Clauses,"
has "Santa Clausing" on page 74, col. 2, and "department-store Santas" on page
77, col. 2.
A further check of the Volunteers of America's VOLUNTEER GAZETTE shows:
December 1950, Volunteer Gazette, pg. 3.
The headline is: "STREET CORNER SANTAS. When the Volunteers of America
Kris Kringle Makes His Appearance, Can Christmas Be Far Behind?"
December 1951, Volunteer Gazette, cover.
"Sidewalk Santa Claus."
December 1955, Volunteer Gazette, pg. 2.
"(About the cover.) A Volunteers of America Sidewalk Santa--John Matson
when he's not helping out the real St. Nicholas--mans his chimney at
Rockefeller Center, New York City."