I checked WORKING WOMAN and also MS. (on which I ran out of time today

before hitting 1986).

Mary Cunningham wrote a 1984 book called POWERPLAY: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

AT BENDIX. I didn't see "glass ceiling" in it.

In March 1984, WORKING WOMAN did a feature article called, "Women in

Corporations: just how far have we come?" It did NOT have "glass ceiling."

Thus, we can probably conclude that "glass ceiling" hadn't been coined--or it

would have been mentioned here.

The January 1986 issue had, "1986 Salary Survey/ Break Through Your

Salary Ceiling!" Still not here!!

October 1986 was a special issue dedicated to "The Year of the Corporate

Woman." This article was on pages 107-109:

Cracks in the Glass Ceiling

How Women Really Are Faring In Corporate America

by Julia Kagan

The naysayers are at it again--from last March's special _Wall Street

Journal_ section on corporate women telling us women have hit the glass

ceiling and can go no futher (Gotta check the WSJ, but that's in SIBL and

Working Woman was in, oh never mind!--ed.) to the July '86 _Inc._ magazine

cover story proclaiming that few entrepreneurial women are equipped to make it

big in businesses of their own.

(...) When we wrote about them in April 1985, we called them the

Breakthrough Generation. (...) (I didn't see "glass ceiling" there, but I'll


A related story on page 110 is "The Glass House Dilemma/ Why Women

Executives Dare Not Fail."
