Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 13:28:07 EST
Subject: Publishing our journals
Ron Butters reminds me that increasing readership is only one of the reasons
for re-evaluating our publishing arrangements. There is also, very
importantly, the financial situation (how much ADS pays the press, or vice
versa; who pays what for the editorial office; how much members pay in dues
for the publications).
And with the Internet becoming so important, there is the ancillary but
significant question of electronic versions and copy rights.
An ad hoc committee is studying this, and has proposals from several presses
(including our current one, U of Alabama); and undoubtedly this will be the
major topic of discussion at our Executive Council meeting in January, to
which all ADS members are invited (see page 5 of the September newsletter).
The committee consists of Lawrence Davis (ADS past president), chair; William
Kretzschmar (editor of Journal of English Linguistics), Ronald Butters
(general editor of ADS publications and editor of PADS), Walt Wolfram (ADS
president), and me, with Connie Eble (AS editor) and Charles Carson (AS
managing editor) as consultants.
- Allan Metcalf, ADS executive secretary