Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 18:32:05 -0500
From: Grant Barrett gbarrett[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]JERRYNET.COM
Subject: ADS-L Archive Search
I am testing a shareware search engine for possible use on a web server and as my test documents
I have included all the ADS-L archives available on the ADS-L web page (most of 1996 and
1997). I do not believe there is a search engine for existing archives, so you might find this useful.
The URL is:
-- The pages are set up in such a way as to prevent robots, indexers, crawlers or spiders from
automatically picking up email addresses from the archives. Spammers cannot sponge addresses
from these pages without a lot more work than from the regular archives.
-- This is only a test. I have no plans to offer this search capability permanently unless there is a
loud clamor for the service.
-- I have split the per-month files available on the ADS-L site into individual digests rather than
messages. The digests are not named according to the period they cover because I had a program
automatically search the files and look for the "end of digest" string and start all new files there,
and then automatically name them.
-- The resulting digest files are kind of ugly. They may be missing line breaks (although I plan to
fix that), but all the text is there.
Please feel free to hammer away at the site. Complaints, insults and comments welcome.
Grant Barrett