Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 13:56:26 -0500
From: "Dennis R. Preston" preston[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PILOT.MSU.EDU
Subject: Re: Posts and Getting Along
Well, Fred, you ought to come sit at some of the bars I go to. Lexicography
(and lexicology) rarely come up. How them critters talk funny over there
(construed broadly, it goes without saying) does pretty often.
PS: There has been a Dicionary Society (DSNA) for some time; surely it is
the 'right' place for those principally concerned with these matters
(although I agree that lexicon should hardly be excluded from ADS or for
that matter its publications or general concerns of dialectology and/or
On a testier note (though accepting full reponsibility for our need to make
what we do known and make how it is relevant better known), I would not
like to see any scientific field's principal work defined (or redefined) by
resetting (or abandoning) its goals to meet popular notions.
On Wed, 10 Dec 1997, Timothy C. Frazer wrote:
Maybe what we need is a not a new ADS-L list, but one that addresses the
needs of many of the non-professionals--something lke "words and phrase
queries." I would like to see such queries elsewhere, and ADS-L confined
to a discussion of reserach issues in dialectology and soicolinguistics.
Speaking as someone who is not a professional linguist, but who has a
strong interest in certain aspects of linguistics, I would like to make
the following observation: Historically, the American Dialect Society and
the journal American Speech have included lexicology and lexicography
among their areas of interest. Today, the interests of ADS members are
predominantly dialectology and sociolinguistics, but, to me at least, it
would be a shame if lexicology and lexicography were excluded altogether
from the American Dialect Society, American Speech, and ADS-L.
It is worth noting that, if the American Dialect Society wishes to
maintain its links to sources of publicity and funding such as the popular
press, excluding lexicology and lexicography would be shooting itself in
the foot, since these areas are of greater interest to the public than
are dialectology and sociolinguistics.