Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 14:29:17 -0500
From: Jesse T Sheidlower jester[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PANIX.COM
Subject: Re: Openness
Allan Mayberry writes:
Terry and Jesse, is there an option to receive the list in digest form?
I have found that it is a lot easier to keep track of lists that can
be sent in this way? -- Thanks.
Yes, there is a digest option for ADS-L. To change your reception to
the digest (which, for those who don't know, compiles messages for
about a day and then sends them all in one shot, the advantage being
that you get one big message instead of a bunch of small ones, the
disadvantage being chiefly the time factor), send the command:
set ads-l digest
to the address listserv[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] --NOT to this list.
Or Terry or I could do it for you.
In response to a comment in another message from DInIs, there
is a Dictionary Society of North America, but it doesn't have
a mailing list on line. There is DICTY, a recent list set up
for lexicographers, but it gets very little traffic, which I
fear would be the result of an exclusionary ADS-L as well.
Jesse Sheidlower