Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 11:40:41 -0800
From: Peter Richardson prichard[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]LINFIELD.EDU
Subject: Re: getting along
I agree with Jody and Kendra, who suggest that this list is a fine way for
students to see what thoughtful and articulate academics talk about. As I
mentioned earlier this term, I asked my students to eavesdrop on the list
for this reason, and we found ourselves coming back again and again to
topics under discussion here on these very screens. Especially
challenging--and therefore ultimately rewarding--was the flurry of
exchanges about _nigger_ at the end of October. Because this course is an
ersatz freshman English class, the students were grateful to have a
specific topic (title: "Language Matters") and to be expected to engage it
as adults. I'm indebted to the members of this list, therefore, who
so successfully demonstrate what a privilege and a joy it is to indulge
in scholarly discourse without losing sight of the human foundation that
must underlie the entire enterprise.
Peter Richardson
On Mon, 8 Dec 1997, Kendra Banks Perry wrote:
I would just like to give a hearty "Amen" to Jody's statements. As an
undergraduate English student, I have found this list to be an
interesting, informative, and even inspiring window on profesional