I found this is my files; the Tamony papers probably have it, though.
It's from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, ANSWERS TO QUERIES, 22 April 1917, pg.
2, col. 6:
(...) Reddall writes: Cocktail--The national American "drink," said to
have been invented by one Elizabeth Flanagan. She was the widow of an Irish
soldier who fell in the service of this country. She appears after his death
to have been a sutler, and in that capacity to have followed a troop of
Virginia horse who, under command of Col. Burr, took up quarters in the winter
of 1779 in a place called the "Four Corners," situated on the road between
Tarrytown and White Plains, Westchester County, N. Y. Here Elizabeth Flanagan
set up a hotel, which was largely patronized by the officers of the French and
American forces quartered in the vicinity, and here it is that the drink known
as the "cocktail" was invented.
O. K., so why did Washington Irving, who lived in Westchester County and
who wrote a history of New York and who was not one to ignore the region's
glories, say that the "cocktail" was invented in Baltimore?