Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1993 05:17:03 -0600 From: Natalie Maynor Subject: Re: Half Past the Hour > As a complete outsider - being a Frenchman - I HAVE > discovered Twenty after three and twenty of three > in Stephen King's novel.What is the actual US norm? That's a good question. I've reached the conclusion that I'm wrong in thinking that "half past" is uncommon in the US since almost everybody I've asked, both on and off this list, has said that it's quite common. Interestingly, I still haven't heard anybody use it -- I've just heard people SAY that they use it and then a little while later say X-thirty in a different conversation. My informal research has been going on for only a few days, however. > Do twenty past and twenty to sound English to an American > ear. They sound like ordinary US usage to me, although I would say "twenty after" and "twenty till" or possibly "twenty of." --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]