End of ADS-L Digest - 26 Dec 1993 to 27 Dec 1993 ************************************************ There is one message totalling 72 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. A Painful Case (apologies to JJoyce) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 13:04:42 -0800 From: "Thomas L. Clark" Subject: A Painful Case (apologies to JJoyce) For you holiday reading pleasure or dismay, I proffer the following longish missive from Fritz Juengling, currently of the U of Minnesota. Most of us are aware of the shabby and despicable treatment given to linguistics and language study at U of MN (linguistics dept murdered two yrs ago, Scandinavian Dept goes to the gallows July 1, Harold Allen's worked generally dissed). Mr Jeungling wrote to me after hearing from another of our dwindling precious few. My dept has an infant Ph.D. program in lit, but our library - and perhaps my colleagues, would not meet the needs of Mr. Jeungling. He appears to have excellent credentials and interest that match much of the readership of ADS-L folk. With his permission, I broadcast his condition to the net in hopes that somewhere there may be a "place." Please respond to Mr Juengling at his e-mail address AND send a copy to me that I might keep track of developments. Cheers, Tom Clark tlc[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]nevada.edu ------- Forwarded Message Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1993 10:31:24 -0600 (CST) From: Charles F Juengling-2 To: Tom Clark cc: Fritz Juengling Dear Professor Clark, Your name and address were given me by Joan Hall at the U of WI. She said that you had done some fieldwork for DARE and might be able to help me. I am in the Germanic Philology at the U of MN. My primary interests are phonetics, historical linguistics, and dialectolgy (esp. Modern English dialects). I am looking around for another program, as the one here at the U of MN cannot really accommodate my interests. For example, for my dissertation, I plan to do some fieldwork in my native state of Oregon. (In addition, I am writing the settlement history for the Linguistic Atlas of the Pacific Northwest). However, this sort of dissertation would not be acceptable to my advisor. Supposedly, students in this program are to limit themselves to topics before 1500 A.D. and preferably to a German one. So, you can see that I'm really a duck out of water (pun intended--being an Oregonian). Therefore, I am looking around for a school where I can be in a program in whichI can do the kind of research in which I am most interested. Professor Hall said that since you had been a DARE worker, you might be interested in overseeing a dissertation such as mine. To give you some idea of my background, I will briefly summarize what sorts of courses I've had-- Old English (5 courses), Old Norse, Gothic, Old Saxon, Middle Dutch, Old High German, Histories of the English, German, Dutch, and Scan. languages, phonetics, several courses in historical linguistics, and a course in American English. In addition, I have been teaching German at the U of MN for several years and I have very basic skills in Norwegian and Dutch. If you would take a few moments from your busy schedule to let me know what the possibilities might be, I would be very grateful. Of course, the question of financial support is one which always looms large over the heads of students. I thank you for your time and look forward to your reply. Merry Christmas and happy New Year, Fritz Juengling ------- End of Forwarded Message