End of ADS-L Digest - 29 Dec 1993 to 30 Dec 1993 ************************************************ There are 5 messages totalling 120 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. modren metathesis 2. 3. SMTP message through S-Bridge gateway 4. AAVE variation and ADS in Toronto (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 22:58:16 CST From: "Donald M. Lance" Subject: Re: modren metathesis N.B. In Rudy's example of saying 'patio' with Spanish phonology, unless the /t/ is said as an unaspirated stop -- not with "voiced t" -- the speaker has not code-switched merely by using [a] rather than [a]. Few American can do a good unaspirated post-dental [t], so [pathio]/[padio] vs [paedio] is similar to the use of [a] or [ae] in 'Nevada'. The phonological shift Rudy really means, I'm sure, will very likely have different tongue positioning for sets of consonants and vowels as well as "adjusting the sound". I wish I'd kept notes on discussions I had with a couple of graduate students from northeastern Thailand a couple of years ago. I recall them commenting on phenomena such as what Gwyn Williams mentioned -- i.e., Thais speakers "innovating" by unwittingly giving a new pronunciation to a word that was borrowed from English originally (if I remember the erased posting accurately). I also wish I'd kept notes on some conversations I had with 7 Malaysian students in a special class on contrastive analysis. As they warmed up to the task and felt free to talk about some of the things they hear on TV as announcers attempt to follow the "guidance" of the Academy and the government in establishing Bahasa Malaysia baku ('standard'), they mentioned some "re-pronunciations" that were jarring to their ears. It seems that there's a parallel drive to maintain a distinct Bahasa Indonesia baku as well. My knwledge on this is shaky, so basically I'm just bringing up the matter of "funny" things happening as "standard" languages are found to be useful on national tv stations. The Malaysians apparently slavishly follow spelling. DMLance