Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 05:07:47 -0600 From: Natalie Maynor Subject: Re: RE /bijl/ > Which brings to mind the disyllabic "dog" = dah-w'g heard in much of the > South. I'm not convinced that disyllabic "dog" is heard in much of the South. I don't remember ever hearing it. But this discussion reminds me of something a friend of mine was talking about on the way to lunch yesterday. She said that Mississippi, where she's lived for the past 20+ years, is the only place she's ever heard "afternoon" pronounced with the primary stress on the first syllable -- that in SC, where she's from, and in all other places, the stress is on the last syllable. Another person with us, originally from Arkansas, agreed. She said that Mississippians consistently say AFternoon, while all other people, including in Arkansas, say afterNOON. I said the word out loud at that point and noticed that I (a native Mississippian) do say AFternoon. I'd never thought about it before or noticed that anybody else, particularly other Southerners, say it in any other way. Is this really a Mississippi oddity? I'm aware, of course, of the Southern stress pattern in words like UMbrella, and I'm aware that *some* Southerners say POlice and INsurance. Most people I know do say UMbrella but do not say POlice, INsurance, or ADDress. But I'd never been aware of the AFternoon/afterNOON difference. --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]