Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 10:28:12 -0600 From: Mary Howe Subject: Another highway observation All the discussion about the use of the article in highway names brings to mind another phenomenon I've noticed in Kansas. I grew up in various New England states, where we either used the highway number alone or preceded by the word 'highway' (e.g., "Take 95 to the Attleboro exit" or "Take highway 95 to the Attleboro exit"). In this part of the country, the number precedes the highway (e.g., "Take 10 highway to Eudora"). My husband grew up in Kansas City, so at first I thought this was just a feature used to describe roads around here, but he uses this construction when we're in other parts of the country as well. (But what can you expect from someone who pronounces 'route' to rhyme with 'out'?) Mary Howe Child Language Program Phone (913) 864-4789 University of Kansas email howe[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] 1082 Dole Center Lawrence, KS 66045