Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 11:12:53 -0600 From: Natalie Maynor Subject: Re: An Ad and a Question I see that there is a fair amount of sentiment against ads of any kind on ADS-L. I won't forward any in the future. There's nothing (as of now anyway) to prevent people from posting them directly to the list, however. Let's hope it doesn't happen. If it does become a problem, I guess the first step would be to change the list setting to 'send= private', meaning that only subscribers can post to it. I'd hate to have to do that since it would also mean that subscribers using addresses that don't exactly match their subscription addresses couldn't post. (Lots of people move around among different machines with different addresses.) It also would mean that a determined advertiser could simply subscribe to the list for long enough to send the ad. A more drastic step would be to change ADS-L to a moderated list, an idea I am *very much* opposed to. Among other reasons, I hate moderated lists and rarely read mail from them. I delete 99% of the mail from Linguist, for example, unread because I hate sudden spurts of delayed mail, especially when postings are glued together in clumps. > CELTIC-L maintains files on the listserver computer that contain > information on subject such as celtic bookstores and language courses. I > propose that route as a solution to the ads. If retailers wants to > distribute information to list members, they can send information to the > listowner and be added to the file. Then when members want information > on products, they can get the file. This would entail people learning > just a bit about listserver database commands, but it is not hard at all. ADS-L doesn't have any space at UGA for listserv files. But don't forget that we have ftp, gopher, and http files available. I don't anticipate the need for adding a section for ads, but I'm using this as a reminder of the existence of our files: (pub/archives/ads), gopher. (something like "Resources" on first menu, then top of next menu), and Please send suggestions at any time for additions or improvements. --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]