Date: Wed, 14 Dec 1994 09:43:20 -0500 From: AAllan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM Subject: Word / meeting / eating of the year Dennis (B)'s posting is a reminder that ADS will once again choose and announce a (new) Word (or phrase) of the Year. Our own terminology causes confusion; does it have to be totally new, or nearly new, or just newly prominent? and how can a phrase be a word? ADS-L-ers know that answers to these questions could tie up our e-mailboxes for months, but it's hard to explain the nuances to the outside world in soundbites. Anyhow: This year the WOTY session has been bifurcated. Nominations will be made and received at 10 am Wednesday the 28th. David Barnhart will have his own list, and John and Adele Algeo's (they can't attend this year but have sent two pages), and will present those and consider others, making a list of final candidates in cooperation with others present. Then the next afternoon, at our usual 5 pm time, we'll have the usual vote on the winners. Please join in, if you can. And in case we get media attention as we did last year, please let me know if you'd like to help with newspaper, radio, and TV interviews. If you can't be there, you *can* join in the deliberations by posting your own nominations on ADS-L. (Or if for some reason you're shy, send them directly to me.) Even if you can be there, advance notice will help. As for the meeting itself, and the eating - you don't have to remind me that the purpose of our gathering is not sybaritic; but it just seems to me that our minds will function the best when our bodies are treated the best. So I thought I'd let you know that, every Thursday evening in December, Le Meridien's award-winning Marius Restaurant has "Le Tour de France," touring the magnificent cuisine of France, starting at (gulp) $39 per person; every Friday evening at the less upscale but still very satisfying L'Escale in Le Meridien, is a Latin Extravaganza, $19.95, a South American buffet, with live music by Jaime Valle & Equinox. Menu includes: Cebiche salads, taco bar, casserole from Brazil (black beans, smoked meats and andouilles, dumplings of dried cod), chicken fajitas from Mexico, flank steak marinated in Dorada beer from Argentina.... I'll tell you another time about Kaffeen's Espresso Bar at the nearby Ferry Landing. Happy holidays - AAllan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]