Date: Wed, 14 Dec 1994 12:40:14 -0500 From: "Peter L. Patrick" Subject: Re: Get Over It There's a less benevolent sense of "get over" which is also used in AAVE. I guess it's related to Smitherman's second sense, but with an addition of "by hook or by crook", or even "pulling a fast one". However, I don't think any of these senses are very transitive; theymay take prepositional objects, but I've never heard any of them taking direct objects. As usual, I may be wrong (speakers do the strangest things when linguists are not looking). But I sincerely doubt that any of this was informing our once-and-future Mayor's use when he said "Get over it" to the white population of DC the day after the election. There was quite a brouhaha in the media here, with Barry denying that he ever said it or directed it to white people (though the recorded quotes left no doubt that he had) and various columnists and talk-show hosts, white and black, interpreting it. My sense is that it was clearly understood by most people as a message to the rich and powerful white minority to overcome their resistance to a Barry victory, which Barry repeatedly cast as racism in and after the election (though as William Raspberry pointed out none of the other local races showed evidence of a white- black voter split). The sense of GIT OVAH quoted above is clearly representative of an oppressed minority's ability to triumph or succeed, so Barry would've have to have said "We got over". If he was inviting the white population to "get over too", then who are the oppressors they're supposed to triumph over? I can't see it. --peter patrick georgetown univ. linguistics dept.