Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 10:57:33 EST From: David Bergdahl Subject: Re: /w/ and /hw/ From: NAME: David Bergdahl FUNC: English TEL: (614) 593-2783 To: MX%"ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]"[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OUVAX[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MRGATE[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OUVAX Tony writes "The word "whore" derived from Lat. karus 'dear (one)'" but of course it is COGNATE with the Latin term rather than derived from it. The first sound shift details how Germanic languages' consonants shift away from the proto-IndoEuropean source for BOTH English AND Latin . On the question of German interference in the "who-er" pronunciation , my Brochaus lists as pronounced with a long open o (backwards c:), which is the English as well [for us r-less NYers]. BERGDAHL[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OUVAXA.CATS.OHIOU.EDU David Bergdahl Ohio University/Athens "Where Appalachia meets the Midwest"--Anya Briggs