Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 18:26:18 -0500 From: "Dennis R. Preston" Subject: Re: /w/ and /hw/ Rudy, Of course you are right. Perhaps some of us slipped into saying 'derived from' when we meant 'cognate with.' Now we know the source of the 'wh'; a very late analogy, but I'm still not sure about the vowel. I take your citation to be of 'hore' with a long vowel(?) If so, it should be ModEng [u] as I have heard it in Northern American use. Why is the majority usage [o]? Dennis > If English derives from Latin , it must be as a loan- >word, much too late for Grimm's Law. So then it should be <*core>, which it >ain't. So much for armchair etymologizing. In such questions, my sainted >OE professor, Rudolph Willard, used to repair to the OED, which informs us >that OE had (possibly derived from ON), and that the spelling is >a 16-th century refinement (I would guess on the model of ). But any >connection with a Latin /k/ would have to be at a pre-Latin level, not a >direct borrowing. > --Rudy Troike (back in the fray again!)