Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 10:08:06 -0700 From: Laurie M Bowman Subject: Re: On Wisconsin! Continuing with the cross-cultural misunderstandings... I'm originally from the St. Louis, MO area (actually, Southern Illinois, but close enough) (and incidentally, it's NOT St. Looie to St. Louisans!). Back there we say "soda" for the carbonated beverage. Up in Chicago it's a "pop". Then I came out to Tucson. I was on campus and I went up to one of those traveling deli carts to buy something to drink. On the sign it said: Can of pop -- 50 cents. Soda -- 75 cents. I asked the guy what the difference was between "pop" and "soda" and he looked at me like I'd lost my mind. So what is the difference? I'm assuming that if the beverage comes in a can or bottle, it's a pop, but if it comes out of a fountain, it's a soda??? Or was this just a fluke? I haven't lived here long enough to figure it out yet. I guess this is a pretty recherche subject, but I've always been confused about this. Incidentally, when New Englanders order a soda, don't they expect ice cream to come in it? (This is what I've been told, anyway.) Anyone have a fairly simple analysis of this phenomenon? Laurie Bowman Dept. of Linguistics University of Arizona, Tucson bowman[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]