Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 12:31:06 -0600 From: Katherine Catmull Subject: Re: pop and soda On Wed, 6 Dec 1995, Larry Horn wrote: > Would generic coke speakers ask for a Coke coke when they want to be > specific about what kind of coke they want? Nahh, that would sound silly! I think "co'-cola" would be specific enough. Or, if the brand is an afterthought: "Would you get me a coke? Just a regular Coke would be best." Having discovered the hard way that even in Texas not everyone understands what "coke" means--and unable to use my native Utah "pop" after too many years in the south--I find myself using awkward locutions like "could you get me some kinda diet coke thing, whatever they have, it doesn't need to be brown?" with people I don't know well. Life would be easier though less interesting if we could get together on this. Kate Catmull kate[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]