Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 00:01:21 -0500 From: SETH SKLAREY Subject: Re: NEW COKE > ... both used Coke to mean any soft drink, there was some ... > >I use "coke" to mean any cola-based soft drink (coca cola, pepsi cola, RC), but >I would never use it to refer to *any* soft drink (coke <> 7-up). I'm amazed >that anyone would say coke, when they mean 7-up. > >What gripes me everytime, is to go into a fast food restaurant, order their >equivalent of a "happy-meal", ask for a coke to go with it, and be asked in >return, "Is Pepsi OK?" Of course Pepsi's OK, it's the same thing isn't it? > >-- Jim NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO As a member of the "Pepsi generation" (I grew up in the 50's), where we heard the jingle "Pepsi-Cola hits the spot..." (someone pleease finish it), there was a considerable war between the two. Coke was the original beverage and was discovered by a Georgian who sold the formula (which then contained cocaine and henceforth led to all the references to "dope" since the original formula was based upon coca leaves and cola nuts) to Asa Candler, an Atlanta druggist who refined the formula and promoted it. It also contained a lot of sugar and caused teeth to rot. Teachers loved to demonstrate this by taking a kid's baby tooth which had fallen out and dropping it into a glass of Coca-Cola and gloat as it slowly dissolved in about a week. Coke was made to be sold at drugstore soda fountains and was dispensed into a glass filled with ice and which to which carbonated water was added. Because of the ice and the seltzer, the syrup was especially sweet. The caffeine, sugar (and earlier presumably the cocaine) all had a highly addictive effect and combined with Candler's fantastic promotional abilities made Coca Cola a major world product. As it became more popular it was put into a 6 1/2 ounce bottle which was just the right size to give a jonesing teenager a jolt as well as a zit. Pepsi was an also-ran, but in the 50's and 60's decided they would claim the generation and somehow made the formula a little sweeter than Coke, found it had a great promoter in Playboy founder Hugh Hefner and paid Richard Nixon to get their product into Russia. When the Cuban revolution led to the Great Cuban sugar embargo by the United States, the soft drink industry began to search for alternatives to sugar, which eventually led to corn syrup. Then in the greatest marketing debacle the world had ever seen (far worse than second place, the introduction of the Edsel) Coca Cola introduced "New Coke" which was full of corn syrup and which THEY thought tasted sweeter than Pepsi but really tasted like bland canvas. They then reverted to "Classic Coke" which is supposed to be the "original formula," whatever that means. Coke has never tasted the same, I refuse to drink it unless desperate, and I think Pepsi (which isn't as good as it used to be, either) is still a heck of a lot better. If you really think they taste the same, you probably can't distinguish between Oreos and Hydrox cookies and there's no hope for you. SETH SKLAREY Wittgenstein School of the Unwritten Word Coconut Grove, FL crissiet[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] PS: Jay Leno has asserted that Egg Nog is the drink of choice at Christmas because it is the only drink with sufficient surface tension to force a Claxton fruitcake through the colon.